Bible OnLine
Revelation 13:16
new testament
And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead;
〈 13:15
13:17 〉
Revelation 13
new testament
Revelation 13:1
Revelation 13:2
Revelation 13:3
Revelation 13:4
Revelation 13:5
Revelation 13:6
Revelation 13:7
Revelation 13:8
Revelation 13:9
Revelation 13:10
Revelation 13:11
Revelation 13:12
Revelation 13:13
Revelation 13:14
Revelation 13:15
Revelation 13:16
Revelation 13:17
Revelation 13:18